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Together with three talented dancers  we set up a photographic story based on the motifs of Carmen, a passionate and unbound woman full of life, emotions and freedom.
Her story is about seducing men - "if you don't like me, I love you, if I love you, watch out for me".
Carmen tries to seduce José - a soldier who is the only one who doesn't notice her. However, she gets involved in a battle with a rival woman, injures her in a duel and gets into prison.
Here she manages to get her guardian José on her side, suggests that he become her lover, which he cannot resist, and Carmen escapes with his help.
A period of passionate love follows, but gradually it becomes complicated as Carmen cannot be attached to a single man.
José's jealousy rises uncontrollably, and when he realizes that Carmen is no longer his, he doesn't hold back and stabs her with a knife.
Carmen remains lying at his feet.

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